Monday, October 11, 2010

Purposeful Ponderings

I absolutely LOVE mornings!

(Now for all of my "night time loving" friends, please don't stone me before I can get started. Smile.)

Morning is the time I get revived. When you slip out of bed at 5:30, there aren't many others awake. (And if they are, they're too groggy to need your attention!) I could have stayed in bed a little longer this morning but the draw of quiet, peaceful, coffee-sipping, devotion-reading, sunrise-watching, ponder time totally overpowered me.

I slipped into the living room and quickly remembered that we had extra guests. Friends from NC had stayed over while passing through. So my solitude started in the kitchen with subtle lighting and quietly prepared coffee. Smile.

Still, as the sky went from black to dark blue to pink and as I witnessed such splendor, it brought a calm to my heart. Life is so fast that we can get lost in living if we aren't careful. (I highlighted that statement because I'm pretty sure it is original! Smile.)

Yesterday was the conclusion of missions week at Garden Grove and we finished with a terrific banquet that highlighted all the missionaries we serve.

(Our missions directors did an excellent job. They pulled members from the audience, quickly "dressed" them to represent an outreach or missions family, then sent them down a catwalk while describing that ministry. Fortunately, we are a church full of hams; so the entire evening was great fun!!)

In the middle of all the laughter and great food, we were challenged to each take a moment to ponder, "Am I investing my life or simply spending it?"

We are each on this earth at this particular time in history by design. You and I are NOT accidents. (No matter how surprised our parents may have been. Smile.)

Yes I know, I started out talking about simple mornings and quickly moved to major pondering. But that's kind of where I am right now. And that kind of thinking brings focus and purpose to what could otherwise be an ordinary Monday.

Besides, which one of us can take in the powerful beauty of a sunrise (or sunset) and not be moved by its majesty and wonder?! All that loveliness just for our enjoyment. How special we must be to the Creator.

So, here's to making a difference; even on a Monday!

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