Friday, February 19, 2010


Gracie Marie LOVES Friday mornings! (And truthfully, so do I.)

Two points of explanation: 1. Gracie Marie is our silly little shih tzu. (You can read more about her on the "Loyal Friends" post.) 2. Friday mornings are as close as we get to a day off most weeks.

Being pastors is what we are called to; it's what we love! One of the only drawbacks? Very little free time. So whenever possible, we try diligently to preserve Friday mornings for -
(Fortunately, we serve a wonderful congregation that encourages us in this important activity.)

We still wake up very early (a terrible drawback of being kinda old) but on Fridays there is a whole different rhythm. I stretch and sigh contentedly before pushing back the covers. The cup of coffee is sipped more slowly. I stand by the sliding glass door and savor the sunrise just a moment longer. Then Gracie and I go to the reclining love seat, settle in under a lap quilt together, she naps and I read; journal; ponder; sometimes even watch the news.

It's deliciously decadent! Pretty much the equivalent of one of those "Death by Chocolate" desserts served with ice cream inside the cake and chocolate syrup imitating lava spilling down the sides - topped off by being "calorie-less". (Life just doesn't get any better! Smile.)

This particular Friday, Gracie and I were joined in our reverie by my oldest and youngest daughters. We all sat around acting like ladies of leisure. Talking, laughing, catching up on the week. Dad came in from his walk, Bella (the horsedog) plopped down contentedly and we all took a moment just to BE.

I heard a great story once about a team of American missionaries trying to get to a remote village in Africa. They had pushed diligently through the dangerous bush for several days; nothing was going to keep them from the people in that village. The fourth day dawned brightly and they hurriedly broke camp, eager to be on their way.

But the Africans traveling with them refused to move.

The missionaries began to urge them along, "Let's get going! Come on, the people of the village are waiting for us. Time is wasting!"

Still no motion.

One of the missionaries finally plopped down next to the guide and with great frustration asked, "What is going on? Why won't anyone get moving?"

"Sir," replied the guide. "We have traveled far and at a very rapid pace. Now, we must wait for our souls to catch up with our bodies!"

Wow! What a sermon!!

It always surprises me how easily I get caught up in rushing around thinking that God needs for me to hurry up; do what He's told me to do; get the job done right this Minute!!! But really what I see more often in His word is an intense interest in relationship more than anything else. And that requires being more than doing! HHHMMMMM.

Whenever your breathe day happens, don't feel guilty. Drink it in with joy and allow ample time for your soul to catch up with your body. That's wisdom!

(Special thanks to my dear friend, Becky Smith, for the huge advertisement on Smithellaneous yesterday. And to her readers who have checked out this blog, thanks to you as well for all your encouragement. UUMMM, a little side note: I just learned what the "comment button" is all about yesterday. I know, I'm sorely illiterate when it comes to all things technological. But I'm learning and excited about the process. Love you, Becky!)

1 comment:

  1. every time...really? you got me again... :-)take time to let our souls catch up with our bodies...hmm...i guess that's sabbath rest, huh?

