Monday, November 11, 2019

A TRUE Fairytale

I have for you today a delightful fairytale that happens to be completely true.

It begins (as most fairytales) with a journey.  A journey involving these three little girls and these three little boys.

There was a lovely mommy who needed a full morning to complete an assignment for school.  The daddy was not available to care for the precious children because he was completing a work assignment.  Enter the grandmother and aunt who fully believe in the childcare mantra "Divide and Conquer!"

It was decided that the three little girls would take their giggles and wiggles for a visit to Grandma's house.  The boys with their rough and tumble ways would go home with Aunt Memeh and Uncle Nathan for slaying dragons and such.

Arrangements were settled.  Seat belts were buckled.  Radios were set to play music the little pilgrims could sing along with.  And off they all went.

The three amigos had a splendid time being outdoors with Uncle Nathan.  Their time involved moat jumping (trampoline time) and rock hurling (basketball) and even some crusading (baseball at a park.)  Kudos to Sir Nathan!

But the little girls were in for quite a different experience.

You see, Grandmother had recently stumbled upon three frilly frocks at a yard sale.  She gladly spent the $9 required to purchase princess dresses replete with satin and tulle and sparkles and all manner of princess-y material.  She had then tucked them away for just such a moment of adventure.

Once the little girl travelers arrived, Grandmother announced her plans for their morning.  The house echoed with squealing and giggling and cheering.  The lovely gowns were donned post haste by the trio of lasses.

(In case you're concerned, the grandfather was safely hidden away in his office at church finishing his sermon.)

Here we see the result of ordinary little girls being transformed into extraordinary, lovely princesses.

You're right, that's a LOT of pink.  But they were each delighted with the dress that best fit them.  And have you ever seen such genuine smiles?

Fortunately the eldest, Princess Abigail, had remembered to bring her travel kit containing some blush, a bit of clear lipstick and nail polish.  Every lady knows these to be key elements for dressing well.

Grandmother felt it best to move the poofing and pampering activities outdoors.  Fresh air is SO vital for the formation of healthy lungs, rosy cheeks and for the safe painting of tiny nails.  Please notice the intensity with which these sojourners worked.  Nothing could be left to chance.  

Noni - uh, I mean Grandmother - did eventually come on the scene to aid in the final application of nail polish.  That way only nails would be pink, not entire fingers.

As the day was cool, the damsels requested moving their party to the tower (aka playground.)  The motion was seconded and they quickly took over the "tower, carriage and moat swings."

Princess Madison Riley directing the tower.
Princess Abigail Grace joining her for a carriage ride.
Princess Ava Quinn conquered the moat swing.
Naturally, the refreshments for this day of travel included hot tea and biscuits.  These damsels are well acquainted with fairytale fare.  We carried on with pretending and even some photographing as such journeys are so rare these days.  

All too soon, the time allotted for travel had come to an end and it was time for the Grandmother to release the lovely ladies to the dads who love them best.  That's when an idea hit the Grandmother and she begged them to tarry one minute longer.

She wanted to capture the modern equivalent of a picture from long ago.  You see, these little princess girls are the daughters of an original trio.
The Original Trio

 The Trio of Today

Do you recognize the matching eyes of sweetness?  (Please bear in mind that all nine of our grandchildren look just like their fathers.  Any sign of our daughters' features is a moment of celebration I assure you.)

Needless to say, the Grandmother kissed each precious head tenderly before sending them off on the second leg of their day-long journey.  While doing so, she remembered kissing her original trio only yesterday it seemed.  

The transporting dad rolled down the windows of the departing carriage (aka Dodge Ram) and Grandmother echoed the Princesses as they called out their customary farewells.  "See you later alligator."  "After while crocodile."  This went on until the carriage exhaust drowned out the echoes.

The tired Grandmother walked slowly back into the castle.  She swiped at a stray tear then plopped on her couch . . . contentedly. 

The End


  1. I am so glad that Becky taught you how to add pictures to your blog. This blog post would not be the same without those sweet pictures of the cute as can be princesses and handsome princes. A picture - or several - is truly worth a thousand words! That $9 expense will bring infinite laughter and memories.

    1. Phyllis, you are so right! Thanks for the encouragement with posting pictures. It doesn't happen for me as easily as everyone else indicates. I'm pressing on for sure. :-)

  2. I love your three little princess. I have three of my own and they loved playing dress up,although they are growing up much to quickly. I have had three different blogs over the years to keep the memories alive. I go on line often and look back at the beautiful memories. Cathie

    1. You're right, Cathie. It's such a gift to be able to look back on all a blog helps us record. Blessings on your crew!

