Monday, February 29, 2016

Catching Up

Happy Leap Year Day!

Feb. 29th only rolls around once every four years.  Considering that I haven't written in four weeks (might be a new record low for me,) I decided today MUST have a post!

Since my last post, we've had the honor of hosting several people including missionary friends. (We always celebrate missions during the month of love.  Seems appropriate.) 

I also had the honor of hosting the beautiful widows of our church last Saturday.  We celebrated Ms. Ann's 90th birthday!  Too much laughter and fun!

Madi has learned to crawl and has even pulled up a couple of times.  (The tenacity of that little girl is an inspiration!)

Noah now has a new song that he sings with great gusto. "Ginkle!  Ginkle, Yidle tar!  mmblha wblhmm flhsmm ARE!"  He tends to stop after the Ginkle! Ginkle part and solicit additional singers for the parts he can't quite pronounce.  But he can say "ARE" very clearly and jumps on it at the appropriate time.

It was discovered that Spencer needs to wear glasses.  He Is THRILLED!  Abby has worn them since she was two.  Mom and Dad also have presciption eye wear.  He wanted to join the cool club. 

The grown up looking glasses also meant he needed a new hair style.  So, I'm no longer allowed to touch his head.  When I try to ruffle his hair now,  he ducks and patiently says for the hundredth time, "Look out, Noni.  Mom fixes my hair now - remember?"  Of course I remember.  I just want to hear him say it.

His K-4 teacher texted Joy last week with another cute story about Spencer.  (Apparently something she does pretty routinely.  The kid provides lots of material.)

They had finished their Bible story for the day and Mrs. Phillips concluded by praying over the children and their day ahead.  As soon as she said "Amen,"  Spencer spoke up.  "That was a great prayer, Mrs. Phillips!  Good job!"  

I guess when both parents, three grandparents and two great-grandparents are ministers you know a thing or two about what constitutes a good prayer.

Abby Grace continues to delight us all with her precious, joyful spirit.  At last family dinner, she came over to me and whispered, "Noni, you wanna go  fohr a wahk?"  The bright blue eyes were twinkling and so inviting, who could resist?  So we grabbed our jackets and strolled down the quiet street.  She squealed with delight every time I dodged her attempts to "step" on my shadow self.

Yesterday, we had the wonderful privilege of dedicating five new church babies during the service.  Just so happened that number five was one Zachariah Avery Schreck!  What joy to stand with John's parents and his grandfather who had all flown in from NY for the event.  (Grandma Linda and Grandpa John do an amazing job of staying involved in the lives of their grandchildren who all live in FL!)

It's Frank's custom to take each child being dedicated into his arms and to pray blessing over them individually.  Such a special and tender moment. 

When we got to Zach, Joy whispered urgently, "Don't take him!  He just pooped all in my hand!"  Her big eyes and his contented, toothless grin made the decision a quick one! Zach would be dedicated to the Lord while in Mommie's arms!  Can't make up real life moments like that.

The other big news is that Kristin and Cody have begun the search for a home of their own.  They've lived in a tiny apartment trying to save every extra penny since getting married a year and a half ago.  Now it seems their efforts to save will soon pay off.

Frank has often said, "Pay now and play later.  Or play now and pay later but the price is always higher."  Meaning, do the difficult things first; then enjoy the rewards.  It appears Meagan and Nathan will be right behind them.

There are a dozen little application type stories I'd love to share but time won't permit today.  Just allow me to wish you a day filled with unusual JOY and PEACE!  Hopefully, I'll be back on track for March.  Thanks for stopping by Embrace the Grace for a quick catch up!  Blessings!



  1. Great To hear from you! Missed you :)

  2. Sheri,

    Always makes me happy to see one of your posts! And the fact that your post referred to our absolutely perfect grand children doesn't hurt, either. :-)

    Hugs to you today!

  3. It was so good to hear from you again. Missed you!

