Thursday, August 21, 2014


Nine short weeks from tomorrow........

What happens then?  Frank will walk with his last single daughter down the aisle of a beautifully decorated church to meet the man who has captured her heart!

October 24th - Kristin and Cody begin their life together!

Cody brought a ring to the table (Literally!  Read Proposal 1 & 2) on Easter Sunday, and we went to work.

For three weeks, we focused on wedding during every spare minute.  Date.  Location.  Dinner reception.  THE DRESS!!!  Colors.  Wedding party selection.  Wedding party clothing.  Estimating numbers.  Estimating budget.

Then, it all had to go on hold.  Kristin had VBS. Cody had his busy season at work.  I had speaking engagements.  Church.  Frank and I did a couples retreat.  Church.  We all three had a missions trip to prepare for.

The plan was to meet back together in August and get it done.  Needless to say, our house is now Wedding Central!

The garage is covered with beautiful flowers waiting to be arranged.  Every nook and cranny of the spare bedroom is tightly stacked with candle holders and other table decorations.  Bride magazines and planners litter our reading areas.

Kristin warned everyone that after Italy, she would be talking of the wedding and nothing else. She's not been that bad - but it is on our minds, A LOT!

So funny to me that our three girls married "out of order."  Joy (the middle daughter) married John six years ago.  They brought us into The Club - The Grandparent Club - three years ago with Spencer.  Meagan (youngest) married her high school sweetheart, Nathan in 2011.  Abigail joined Spencer in 2012.  Then Noah came along last October.

Through all this family joy and excitement, Kristin has cheered for her sisters.  She has strung hundreds of yards of streamers.  Created scores of signs to be waved.  Drawn posters and banners.  Designed photo memory boards.  Cleaned houses for parties.  Helped with hair and make-up for special anniversary dates.  Baby-sat, changed diapers, wiped noses.

She has loved generously and rejoiced genuinely.  Now, it's her turn!

And everyone around her is delighted to be part of this moment.

I'm watching in amazement as wedding miracles are unfolding.  Favor with places that aren't normally available suddenly becoming available.  Services at half their normal cost.  Surprise guests we thought could never attend.  Desires that Kristin has only dared to whisper to her Heavenly Father, being fulfilled to the tiniest detail.

A truth from scripture came to mind that probably explains what she's experiencing, ".....the one who shares generously will experience generosity in return....."

For many years now the question has been before Kristin, "Do you choose to be generous?  Can you celebrate with others while waiting for your own dreams to be fulfilled?"

Her answer has been, "Yes, I DO!  I choose to be happy for them."

Now, all that sowing is becoming a harvest of epic proportions.   God's promise is this - put Me first, love others before yourself, and I'll add all the rest.  What He adds is beyond measure.

I'm taking a lesson from Kristin.  I'm finding someone today that I can cheer for!  I'm going to say, "I DO celebrate with you!"  And I'm going to trust that God will turn that seed of generosity into a harvest when I need it most.

How about you?  


  1. Great post, Sheri! I'm cheering for Kristin (yes, she DOES have a most generous soul) and I am also cheering for you, mother of the bride for the third time who holds it all together with a joyful spirit and a smile.

    Love to all . . . . and yes, our day will come! I'll be relying on your for lots of advice! :-)

  2. Thanks, Becky! We'll be there when it's Sarah's turn - you can count on us!

